[postgis-users] Neighborhood Function using PL/PGSQL waaay to slow?
collin at socrates.Berkeley.EDU
Tue Apr 20 17:36:25 PDT 2004
Paul, Thanks for responding. The 100m turned out to be absurdly large.
I scaled it back to 10m box, which returns roughly 300 points on
average. However, I found that only 3% of the points returned any
points at all! These ranged from 124 - 350 points returned. The rest of
the 10,000 points returned NULL. I do not understand this result.
I did combine the two statements into one, which now reads:
EXECUTE ''UPDATE test1 SET zmin = '' ||
'' (SELECT min(z) FROM test1 WHERE the_geom && '' ||
'' SetSRID(
GeometryFromText(''''POINT('' || thisrow.x || '' ''
|| thisrow.y || '' '' || thisrow.z ||'')'''',32610)
,10 )
WHERE x = '' || thisrow.x || '' AND y = '' || thisrow.y ;
If you could give a suggestion/pseudo code on how to do a batch
transfer, I would appreciate it.
Collin Bode
GIS Informatics Researcher, UC Berkeley
Paul Ramsey wrote:
> First, how many results is your 100m box returning? If the database
> has to repeatedly sequence scan a pile of values for each iteration,
> yes, it will be slow. Not much to do there, it is just a consequence
> of the fact that the "local minimum" problem is hard to optimize.
> Second, you are doing an insert *and* an update for each iteration.
> Why not either (a) save the update for a batch transfer at the end or
> (b) combine the SQL into one huge update.
> collin wrote:
>> Folks,
>> I posted earlier regarding getting statistics for every point on
>> their neighboring points. Currently I am trying to find the lowest
>> alititude within a ~100 meter radius of each point. To do so, I
>> wrote a PL/PGSQL function (see below) which iterates through every
>> row in a 10,000 row table and updates each row with the lowest
>> altitude within a bounding box of 100meters.
>> -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
>> CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION collintest2() RETURNS integer AS '
>> thisrow RECORD;
>> zzmin double precision;
>> ztot integer := 0;
>> FOR thisrow IN SELECT * FROM test1 LOOP
>> SELECT INTO zzmin min(z) FROM test1 WHERE
>> the_geom &&
>> EXPAND(GeometryFromText(''POINT('' || thisrow.x || '' '' || thisrow.y
>> || '' '' || thisrow.z ||'')'',32610),100);
>> EXECUTE ''UPDATE test1 SET zmin = '' || zzmin || '' WHERE x = ''
>> || thisrow.x || '' AND y = '' || thisrow.y ;
>> ztot := ztot + 1;
>> RETURN ztot;
>> END;
>> ' LANGUAGE 'plpgsql';
>> --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
>> EXPLAIN ANALYZE SELECT collintest2();
>> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
>> Result (cost=0.00..0.01 rows=1 width=0) (actual
>> time=3318131.024..3318131.027 rows=1 loops=1)
>> Total runtime: 3318131.075 ms
>> This runs painfully slow, as you can see (331ms per row). Is there
>> another way to do this? I am new to pl/pgsql, though very familiar
>> with sql. How do I optimize? Use cursors? I built a gist index on
>> the_geom, but it doesn't make much of a difference.
>> Thanks in advance,
>> Collin Bode
>> GIS Informatics Researcher, UC Berkeley
>> The here is the schema for the table being operated on:
>> CREATE TABLE test1 (
>> the_geom geometry,
>> zmin double precision,
>> "time" double precision,
>> x double precision,
>> y double precision,
>> z double precision,
>> i double precision,
>> xf double precision,
>> yf double precision,
>> zf double precision,
>> if double precision
>> CONSTRAINT "$1" CHECK ((srid(the_geom) = 32610)),
>> CONSTRAINT "$2" CHECK (((geometrytype(the_geom) = 'POINT'::text)
>> OR (the_geom IS NULL)))
>> );
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