[postgis-users] Win32 PostgreSQL: pgsql75win.zip replacement
TECHER Jean David
davidtecher at yahoo.fr
Tue Aug 17 06:44:39 PDT 2004
Hi Mark
I try the msi you did... Great work!!! :-)
I made my own distribution but without an installer...
I still have mine avalable at :
http://www.01map.com/download/postgres800_win32_postgis_082.zip (still
personal wih proj 4.4.7, geos 1.0.0 and AsSVG)
I did it from CVS of today for postgresql and postgis
Perhaps Paul Ramsey should add your work on the new of postgis site ???
- Responsable Informatique 01MAP -
e-mail:davidtecher at yahoo.fr
Tel: 06 85 37 36 75
Site PostGIS: http://techer.pascal.free.fr/postgis/index.htm
> -----Message d'origine-----
> De : postgis-users-bounces at postgis.refractions.net
> [mailto:postgis-users-bounces at postgis.refractions.net]De la part de Mark
> Cave-Ayland
> Envoye : mardi 17 aout 2004 14:37
> A : postgis-users at postgis.refractions.net
> Objet : [postgis-users] Win32 PostgreSQL: pgsql75win.zip replacement
> Hi everyone,
> After much testing from everyone on this mailing-list, I've decided to
> remove the pgsql75win.zip download from my website. My reason for doing
> this is that much discussion has been had on the PostgreSQL mailing
> lists about the potential security risk of running PostgreSQL as a user
> with administrative privileges, and now that the download is becoming
> more popular, I would not like to reponsible for making Windows servers
> vunerable for future exploits.
> In it's place, I have used the source from the main PostgreSQL Win32
> installer to build a new MSI image which also contains PostGIS. I have
> altered the installer so that it only installs the PostgreSQL core to
> help keep its size down. The advantage of this is that the installer can
> correctly setup a new user with minimal privileges to run the database,
> so if an exploit for PostgreSQL is discovered, the damage can be
> minimised.
> The image can be found at: http://www.webbased.co.uk/mca/
> I've also used this as an excuse to update the code: PostGIS is taken
> from CVS yesterday, while PostgreSQL has been upgraded to 8.0 beta 1. So
> unfortunately you will need to pg_dump/pg_restore your data from
> pgsql75win.zip since the database version has changed.
> So again some warnings: this is really for development/evaluation
> purposes only - it's still a beta version, have fun, and please share
> any problems you find with PostGIS on the list. It works for me, but
> your mileage may vary. I would recommend if you have already installed
> the "official" PostgreSQL 8.0 beta that you uninstall it before trying
> this one.
> Finally, to get start, fire up a command prompt in "C:\Program
> Files\PostgreSQL\8.0-beta1\bin" and do:
> createdb.exe -U postgres gistest
> psql.exe -U postgres -d gistest
> \i ../share/contrib/postgis.sql
> \i ../share/contrib/spatial_ref_sys.sql
> ...then it's over to you :)
> Mark.
> ---
> Mark Cave-Ayland
> Webbased Ltd.
> Tamar Science Park
> Derriford
> Plymouth
> PL6 8BX
> England
> Tel: +44 (0)1752 764445
> Fax: +44 (0)1752 764446
> This email and any attachments are confidential to the intended
> recipient and may also be privileged. If you are not the intended
> recipient please delete it from your system and notify the sender. You
> should not copy it or use it for any purpose nor disclose or distribute
> its contents to any other person.
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