[postgis-users] check constraint for geometry column

strk strk at keybit.net
Fri Jun 4 06:45:21 PDT 2004

On Fri, Jun 04, 2004 at 09:39:39AM -0400, Robert W. Burgholzer wrote:
> List members,
> I am using postgis 0.8.0, so if this is resolved in tthe latest version, 
> please forgive my ignorance.  I am exploring a transform on geom columns, 
> and find, as have some others, that it is a torturous process to reassign 
> your geometry column SRID, i.e., it can only be done by dropping and 
> re-adding the table.

Not true.
You can drop the constraint, re-assign the SRID 
and then add the constraint again (or leave it out if you prefer).


> I guess I would inquire as to the use of this constraint, is it truly 
> necessary? Is it part of an openGIS specification, or just something used 
> in the Postgis system as a check and balance? Does anyone have any feelings 
> about whether or not a simple "Warning" rather than a constraint would be 
> enough?
> I realize of course, that I should just get off my rump and import my 
> tables with the proper SRID identified at the time of import, but just 
> thought I would inquire, I have a lot of data that would have to be 
> re-imported now that I am dealing with projections.
> Thanks for your thoughts,
> r.b.
> Robert Burgholzer
> Environmental Engineer
> MapTech Inc.
> http://www.maptech-inc.com/ 
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