[postgis-users] pyshapelib + PostGIS
Richard Taylor
r.taylor at bcs.org.uk
Mon Jun 7 00:18:15 PDT 2004
Hash: SHA1
I have not used the shapelib package but...
You might find the GeoTypes package (http://people.initd.org/rjt/) in
partnership with the psycopg database adapter
(http://www.initd.org/software/initd/psycopg) could provide a good framework
for what you are trying to do.
GeoTypes contains parsers for both the WKT and WKB formats. Psycopg supports
customizable type maps.
On Friday 28 May 2004 21:04, Daryl Herzmann wrote:
> Hiya,
> A bit of information here for those wanting to get PostGIS geometries into
> something pyshapelib can use. This is a hack and probably the wrong way
> of doing it, but it works for me :)
> First I grabbed the wellknowntext.py library from Thuban.
> http://www.intevation.de/cgi-bin/viewcvs-thuban.cgi/thuban/Thuban/Model/wel
> Then in my python code, I can do this
> import wellknowntext, shapelib, pg
> mydb = pg.connect("postgis")
> rs = mydb.query("SELECT geom from my_fancy_geometry_table").dictresult()
> for i in range(len(rs)):
> geom = rs[i]["geom"]
> pts = wellknowntext.convert_well_known_text(geom)
> # Assuming we have a polygon!
> obj = shapelib.SHPObject(shapelib.SHPT_POLYGON, 1, pts)
> And that seems to work. I am sure others have better ways, but googling
> around, I didn't seem to find anything for my question "How to get WKT
> into pyshapelib?" <-- Find this google! :)
> Have a good weekend all!
> later,
> daryl
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