[postgis-users] complete newbye

william wdebs_stern at yahoo.ca
Tue Jun 22 09:53:30 PDT 2004

Basically I'm trying to understand how things works. I couldn't find no 
documents or drawings of  the internals of PostGis
nor any descriptions of PgArc principles, but maybe I'm dumb and I have 
missed these informations somewhere ?

Thanks, Will

(Tyler, sorry about my email , I wrote to fast)

>Williams, I can answer your questions about PgArc, but I'm not sure what 
>your question is.
>postgis-users-bounces at postgis.refractions.net wrote on 06/22/2004 03:51:28 
>>I'm new to databases and i'm making a short article on postgresql but 
>>i'm not sure i can name things :
>>i want to know why does a software like mapinfo only an display tables 
>>and not maps
>>i want to know why it does work well with PgArc
>>i want to understand what is the data model in Postgis and if it is the 
>>same as in the OGC description
>>Excuse me for my ignorance
>>bye for now
>>postgis-users mailing list
>>postgis-users at postgis.refractions.net

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