[postgis-users] Who is Using PostGIS?

Roy Irwan mroy at centrin.net.id
Mon Mar 8 19:44:48 PST 2004

----- Original Message -----
From: "Paul Ramsey" <pramsey at ref...>
Sent: Monday, March 08, 2004 8:27 AM

>     Who are you?
Roy Irwan, a very ordinary software engineer from a very small company in
Indonesia and try to grown up with PostGIS. :)

>     What are you using PostGIS for?
Develop some GIS applications using Delphi and make our own spatial db
engine between the app and the backend.
But, currently, only one project nearly finish, gas pipeline & facilities
management of one of our local gas company.

>     Why did you choose PostGIS?
Mainly, because of how "cheap" it is, good support and open source.

>     What makes you happy about your PostGIS installation?
Since I never compile anything in Linux, PostGIS give me more additional
learning curve of how to compile things in Linux. And yes, this is makes me
Until now, I still prefer to configure, make and make install instead of
using rpms.
Well, shame on me, in the middle of the maturity of Linux development env,
I'm still a newbie. :|

>     What makes you unhappy about your PostGIS installation?
- Still waiting for native win32 installer with silent installation
capability, and I know this is more to PostgreSQL issue rather than PostGIS.
- None of offline technical support available in my country. Some of our
costumers need it to be exists.

> Thanks!
> Paul
> --
>        __
>       /
>       | Paul Ramsey
>       | Refractions Research
>       | Email: pramsey at refractions.net
>       | Phone: (250) 885-0632
>       \_

Roy Irwan

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