[postgis-users] Postgis Mapserver Query returns the same item multiple times.

James Martin martin426 at yahoo.com
Wed Nov 17 08:17:25 PST 2004


Any help is greatly appreciated.  

I'm trying to perform an nquery using the following
DATA statement in my mapfile (formatted for e-mail):

DATA = "the_geom from
(SELECT place.the_geom AS the_geom,
             place.gid AS gid,
             place.name AS name
             FROM place
             WHERE place.gid=9)
             AS foo USING UNIQUE place.gid
             USING SRID=-1"

Whenever I run this query on a map it works, that is
to say there are no error messages and the information
I'm expecting is returned.  

The problem is it returns the information 'N' times,
where N is the number of rows in the place table.  

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