[postgis-users] Performanceproblems

Werdin Jens jens.werdin at siemens.com
Tue Oct 12 00:59:45 PDT 2004


I have a performance problem with PostGis. The Database has 11 million
entries which have coordinates in WGS84 and a timestamp with TS. If I used a
normal postgres-table with latitude and longitude as a coloum a an index
over time,lat,long it took not 2 secs for the query  "Select * from table
where time between and lat between and long between..." now I transformed it
to postgis because I want the result sorted by distance_spheroid(). The
Table now looks like id / time / POINT(srid=4326). I created the Index,
updated geometry stats and vacuumed like described in the manual. 
I use the query select *, distance_spheroid from table where geopoint &&
setsrid(box3d) and time between 2 and 3 order by distance_spheroid.
This query now takes more than 15 mins. 
The result should have 100 entries (average) and up to 3000 entries (max).  

Do I have to change settings in the database or takes the distance_spheroid
so much time or is my query not good or is it better to use an index on

Thanks in advance


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