[postgis-users] building a vmap db

Mike Jackson mj at sci.fi
Sun Oct 24 09:45:43 PDT 2004

  Has anyone built a whole-earth postgis db with vmap0 and the available vmap1 datasets?

  I am planning to build one, and am now wondering what is the best approach to organize the data, 
e.g. vmap0 having 4 seperate databases or just 1, etc. What about combining vmap0 and vmap1 all 
into one single database? What I basically am after is the answer to "What makes the most sense 
from the postgis perspective". I will want to create spatial indexes for as much as possible.

  So far, I've experimented with importing the vmap0 eurasia dataset with ogr2ogr. If anybody has 
built the whole database and would share notes with me, I would be very grateful.


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