[postgis-users] PostGis 8.1 - error with "using unique"

jerome jerome.caba at vanoise.com
Thu Dec 1 07:43:15 PST 2005

Thanks Mark,

>>$layer->set("data",$colonne_geometrique." from ".$table_choisie." as
>Please see this post here:
>html. Also I don't see any "using unique" clause in your data statement. It
>should read something like:
Re-oupss, sorry, another error, in my code I have :
$layer->set("data",$colonne_geometrique." from ".$table_choisie." as foo 
using unique geometry_columns.srid using SRID=".$srid);

>$layer->set("data", $colonne_geometrique." from ".$table_choisie." using
>unique <id>");
>... where <id> is the name of your primary key. Since this is an issue with
>the Mapserver/PostGIS connector, you may get better assistance on the
>mapserver-users mailing list.
I have tried to write "select geo_unitealpage25 from unites_alpage as 
foo using unique code_unitealpage" in SQL Manager.
the field "code_unitealpage" is my PK, like it's suggest in the forum. 
Unfortunately ! I didn't think that this error is a mapserver error, 
because, it's the same in SQL Manager or in pgAdmin.

Jerome Caba

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