[postgis-users] Re: Initial SRS and geometry columms table creation
pvanlaake at users.sourceforge.net
Fri Dec 16 03:21:24 PST 2005
"Ivan Kautter" <ivankautter at hotmail.com> wrote in message
news:BAY106-F190AFD4ED9D81CD3281610B7380 at phx.gbl...
> Lastly, I have a spatial reference system that is not defined in EPSG. It
> is a system for the entire state of California in NAD83 defined thusly:
> # California ALBERS projection information
> "proj=aea"
> "y_0=-4000000.0"
> "lon_0=-120.0"
> "lat_0=0.0"
> "lat_1=34.0"
> "lat_2=40.5"
> "units=m"
> "ellps=GRS80"
> "datum=NAD83"
Hi Ivan,
This srs IS defined in EPSG and has coord_ref_sys_code (= srid) 3310. It is
just not in the PostGIS spatial_ref_sys table, probably because the
proj4text is not defined for some reason (Frank?). SRID, AUTH_NAME and
AUTH_SRID should thus be 3310, EPSG, and 3310, respectively. The proj4text
should be (off the top of my head, check on remotesensing.org/geotiff)
+proj=aea +lat_0=0.0 +lat_1=34.0 +lat_2=40.5 +lon_0=-120.0 +x_0=0
I have created a little bundle of scripts that implement spatial_ref_sys (an
OGC requirement) as a view from the original EPSG tables. This allows for
much more options in querying and building new CRSs. Not yet complete, but
already quite useful. I found the above info using the query:
select * from spatial_ref_sys where srid in (select
srid_by_placename('United States (USA) - Cal%'));
which gave me 34 CRSs, of which only one matched your parameters.
These scripts can be downloaded from
Best regards,
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