[postgis-users] Need loader to build WITHOUT all the other stuff

Ries van Twisk postgis at rvt.dds.nl
Mon Dec 19 18:28:38 PST 2005

Stephen Woodbridge wrote:

> strk at refractions.net wrote:
>> On Mon, Dec 19, 2005 at 03:32:30PM -0500, Stephen Woodbridge wrote:
>>> Hi all,
>>> It would REALLY be great if I could get shp2pgsql to build all by 
>>> itself. I have a lot of systems that do not have postgres/postgis 
>>> installed on them but need to be able to load data into a remote 
>>> database. These are often not even the same arch as the database box.
>>> Is there any change of making this compile without having to 
>>> download and build the whole sheebang?
>> You don't have to build the whole sheebang, but you do
>> have to download it.
maby this is something for you:


Works out of the box for windows and Linux (I use the linux version).
It doesn't contain shp2pgsql but does contain ogr2ogr to load quite a 
lot of data directly into postgresql.
including shape files, vmap0, vmap1 etc etc..... or to convert from one 
format to a other format...


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