[postgis-users] nested query to make adjacency list?

Mark Cave-Ayland m.cave-ayland at webbased.co.uk
Tue Dec 20 01:22:33 PST 2005

> -----Original Message-----
> From: postgis-users-bounces at postgis.refractions.net [mailto:postgis-users-
> bounces at postgis.refractions.net] On Behalf Of Jeff D. Hamann
> Sent: 20 December 2005 08:05
> To: postgis-users at postgis.refractions.net
> Subject: [postgis-users] nested query to make adjacency list?
> I've been in the process of moving an application that uses Arc/Info files
> to one that uses PostGIS completely! I need to generate an adjacency
> list/matrix and have been able perform the query for a single polygon,
> -- build a temp table of the first polygon, only.
> select * into table first_one from test where gid = 1;
> -- now create a adjacency list for the first polygon
> select
>  first_one.gid as gid,
>  first_one.Standid as stid,
>  test.gid as adj_gid,
>  test.Standid
> from
>  test,
>  first_one
> where
>  touches( first_one.the_geom, test.the_geom );
> -- boo-yah!
>  gid |  stid  | adj_gid | standid
> -----+--------+---------+---------
>    1 | 010101 |       2 | 010115
>    1 | 010101 |       6 | 010103
>    1 | 010101 |       7 | 010105
>    1 | 010101 |       8 | 010113
> (4 rows)
> This yields the correct results.
> Is it possible to nest this query so that I can create this for every
> polygon all at once?
> Jeff.

Hi Jeff,

You may be able to get the results you need by joining your test table back
onto itself. I'm more of an SQL person rather than a GIS person, but I
imagine the query should look something like this:

  t1.gid as gid,
  t1.standid as stid,
  t2.gid as adj_gid,
  test t1,
  test t2
  touches( t1.the_geom, t2.the_geom );

Also if you have a large number of geometries then you should get much
better performance by adding a spatial index to the_geom column, doing
VACUUM ANALYZE, and using the && operator to further check only geometries
whose bounding box overlaps on each iteration, e.g.

  t1.gid as gid,
  t1.standid as stid,
  t2.gid as adj_gid,
  test t1,
  test t2
  touches( t1.the_geom, t2.the_geom ) AND t1.the_geom && t2.the_geom;

Kind regards,


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