[postgis-users] transform() does not do work for NGO1948 zone III-> WGS84 longlat (epsg:27393->epsg:4326)

Frank Warmerdam warmerdam at pobox.com
Thu Dec 22 06:46:48 PST 2005

On 12/22/05, Havard Tveite <havard.tveite at umb.no> wrote:
> It is nice to provide warnings, but for epsg:27393 -> epsg:4326
> the following problems persist:
> 1) Longitude of origin (+lon_0=-10.72291666666667) is ignored
>     (as demonstrated by strk's query).


Are you sure that the the +lon_0 is being ignored?  It seems more
likely that it is being undone by the +pm=oslo.  There are a variety of
problems with prime meridian handling in the EPSG->proj.4 translation
process.  I would suggest modifying the PROJ.4 definition to not
include the +pm=oslo and see if that helps.

> 2) No datum shift seems to be performed.
> Since the transformation runs smoothly using UMN Mapserver (
> with dynamically linked proj - so it should be 4.4.9), there
> is probably a problem somewhere.

You are likely right, I'm not sure what the story is.

Best regards,
I set the clouds in motion - turn up   | Frank Warmerdam, warmerdam at pobox.com
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