[postgis-users] Documenting performance tip

Markus Schaber schabios at logi-track.com
Thu Feb 3 05:11:24 PST 2005

Hi, Strk,

strk at refractions.net schrieb:

> Beside writers skills this needs full understanding of the problem.
> If you can document the problem and the tip it would be helpful.

Okay, I'll give it a try:

- snip -

*** Performance tip for small tables of large geometries ***

* Problem Description *

Current PostgreSQL versions (including 8.0) suffer from a query
optimizer weakness regarding TOAST tables. TOAST tables are a kind of
"extension room" used to store large (in the sense of data size) values
that do not fit into normal data pages (like long texts, images or
complex geometries with lots of vertices), see
http://www.postgresql.org/docs/8.0/static/storage-toast.html for more

The problem appears if you happen to have a table with rather large
geometries, but not too much rows of them (like a table containing the
boundaries of all european countries in high resolution). Then the table
itsself is small, but it uses lots of TOAST space. In our example case,
the table itsself had about 80 rows and used only 3 data pages, but the
TOAST table used 8225 pages.

Now issue a query where you use the geometry operator && to search for a
bounding box that matches only very few of those rows. Now the query
optimizer sees that the table has only 3 pages and 80 rows. He estimates
that a sequential scan on such a small table is much faster than using
an index. And so he decides to ignore the GIST index. Usually, this
estimation is correct. But in our case, the && operator has to fetch
every geometry from disk to compare the bounding boxes, thus reading all
TOAST pages, too.

To see whether your suffer from this bug, use the "EXPLAIN ANALYZE"
postgresql command. For more information and the technical details, you
can read the thread on the postgres performance mailing list:

* Workarounds *

The PostgreSQL people are trying to solve this issue by making the query
estimation TOAST-aware. For now, here are two workarounds:

The first workaround is to force the query planner to use the index.
Send "SET enable_seqscan TO off;" to the server before issuing the
query. This basically forces the query planner to avoid sequential scans
whenever possible. So it uses the GIST index as usual. But this flag has
to be set on every connection, and it causes the query planner to make
misestimations in other cases, so you should "SET enable_seqscan TO on;"
after the query.

The second workaround is to make the sequential scan as fast as the
query planner thinks. This can be achieved by creating an additional
column that "caches" the bbox, and matching against this. In our
example, the commands are like:

SELECT addGeometryColumn('mydb','mytable','bbox','4326','GEOMETRY','2');
UPDATE mytable set bbox = setsrid(box3d(geom_column)::geometry, 4326);

Now change your query to use the && operator against bbox instead of
geom_column, like:

SELECT geom_column FROM mytable WHERE bbox && setsrid('BOX3D(0 0,1

Of yourse, if you change or add rows to mytable, you have to keep the
bbox "in sync". The most transparent way to do this would be triggers,
but you also can modify your application to keep the bbox column current
or run the UPDATE query above after every modification.

- snap -

The question is where to place it. I think adding it to paragraph 4.5.2
in the doc would bloat it too much, so introducing a 4.5.3 might be the

markus schaber | dipl. informatiker
logi-track ag | rennweg 14-16 | ch 8001 zürich
phone +41-43-888 62 52 | fax +41-43-888 62 53
mailto:schabios at logi-track.com | www.logi-track.com
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