[postgis-users] Possible issue with Geos on PostgreSQL 8.0 Native Windows

Obe, Regina DND\MIS robe.dnd at cityofboston.gov
Wed Jan 12 06:40:52 PST 2005

I was doing a trial port of my data from Cygwin PostGreSQL 7.4  Postgis 0.8

To Native Windows PostGreSQL  8.0.0 RC4, postgis 0.9.

2 issues -  these could be caused by something wrong with my reconfiguration
since there are so many variables that have changed so not sure if they are
problems or not.  I just wanted to know if others have run into similar

When I was testing the geom_union function on one of my tables

On the cygwin install I get the following behavior

SELECT geomunion(the_geom) from neighborhood; 

results in Geos throwing the below error

ERROR:  GEOS union() threw an error!

NOTICE:  TopologyException: side location conflict (780343,2.95405e+06)

select geomunion(the_geom) from neighborhoods where name IN('Dorchester',

Results in 
SRID=102686;MULTIPOLYGON(((778278.699002388  .........


Same Tests on the: Native Windows PostGreSQL  8.0.0 RC4, postgis 0.9. (I'm
using the PostGIS that came packaged with 8.0.0 RC4 official release)

SELECT geomunion(the_geom) from neighborhood  

Result: The postgres connection crashes without throwing an error so I need
to reconnect.

select geomunion(the_geom) from neighborhoods where name IN('Dorchester',

Result - No SRID shows

Other functions such as collect for example return an SRID on both installs
and I checked the table and the geometry_columns table and both register an

I tried reloading the table from the original shape file using the newer
shp2pgsql and the same error still stands.


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