[postgis-users] Small oversights in PostGIS 1.0 RC1 and migration help

Gino Lucrezi gino-postgis at lucrezi.net
Wed Jan 26 07:51:24 PST 2005

I just installed PostgreSQL 8.0 (final version) and PostGIS 1.0 RC1 on a Fedora core 3 system.

Everything went OK during installation, I just had a few small problems when reimporting existing DBs

The file utils/postgis_restore.pl doesn't have execute permissions set (easy to fix...)

The notes inside its comment aren't clear on what one should do with spatial_ref_sys.sql when upgrading.

The contents in this table have changed considerably. All our old DBs have the 8.1 contents (patched to remove pm=... from 26591 and 26592, as we discussed here a few months ago).

Obviously, in an existing DB, I can't just drop the table and recreate it according to the newest spatial_ref_sys.sql file, because there are constraints forbidding it; is there any simple way to do it?

Also, utils/postgis_restore.pl doesn't work well if internationalization variables LANG, LANGUAGE or LC_ALL aren't set correctly; it won't reimport tables which have international characters.

I'll have to test if reimporting using psql works OK

Lastly, paragraph 4.3.2 of the PDF documentation has lots of spurious "* 0.60" strings which I suppose arose during the conversion to PDF (they aren't there in the HTML docs)

Oh, by the way, the search form at http://postgis.refractions.net/support.php doesn't search the mailing list archives anymore!

Gino Lucrezi
Penta Consulting Services Srl

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