[postgis-users] PostGIS CVS on Windows...OK

Markus Schaber schabi at logix-tt.com
Fri May 13 04:03:25 PDT 2005

Hi, Strk,

strk at refractions.net wrote:

>>We currently have Linux on i386 and AMD64.
>>We want to keep the doors open for Linux on Itaniums (which we used to
>>have) and PowerPC, as well as MacOS X on PPC.
> Markus, would you test current HEAD branch against them 
> and report success or failure and HOST_OS value as detected by
> configure ?

On Linux-IA32: Compiles fine.


 HOST_OS: i686-pc-linux-gnu

   PGSQL: /usr/bin/pg_config
    GEOS: /usr/bin/geos-config
    PROJ: dir=/usr/bin/..

   PREFIX: /usr
  EPREFIX: ${prefix}
      DOC: ${prefix}/doc/postgresql/contrib
     DATA: ${prefix}/share/postgresql/contrib
      MAN: ${prefix}/man
      BIN: ${exec_prefix}/bin
      EXT: /usr/lib/postgresql/lib (\$$libdir)

I don't have access to the other environments right now, but I'll see
what I can do after Whitsunide.


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