[postgis-users] copying ascii to a postgis

Jaime Carrera jaicarrerahdez at yahoo.com
Fri May 20 16:11:37 PDT 2005


I'm new to PostGIS and am trying to import an ASCII
table that has three columns: ID (int), NAME (string),
POLYGON. The polygon geometry was exported from GRASS
and I added the other two tables through queries in
Postgres. I created a table in Postgres and executed
the AddGeometryColumn function, using an SRID of
26714. I'm trying to import the ASCII table
(geom.postis) with the following command: 
MVB=# \copy municipalities from 'geom.postgis' with
delimiter as ':'
And I get: ERROR:  parse error - invalid geometry
CONTEXT:  COPY municipalities, line 1, column
muni_geom: "'POLYGON(477627.70516
2155699.597396, 477685.323332 2156036.954703,
477793.399583 2156365.341184, 47..."

Can someone tell me in which format has to be the
polygon data? 

Thanks a lot


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