[postgis-users] Aggregate Function Malfunction

Mark Fenbers Mark.Fenbers at noaa.gov
Mon May 23 06:00:27 PDT 2005

Problem solved.  I removed the INITCOND = '' and all works fine now.  
Earlier, I got this error even before I added INITCOND = '' which is why 
I didn't think to remove it now, but then there was probably something 
else wrong with the syntax of things...

Thanks anyway!

Mark Fenbers wrote:

> Yes, it reports the same error with no results.  Other ideas?
> Mark
> Stephen Woodbridge wrote:
>> Mark,
>> Did you try something like:
>> SELECT IsValid( MultiIntersection( the_geom )) FROM myTable WHERE 
>> IsValid(the_geom);
>> to see what it reports?
>> -Steve
>> Mark Fenbers wrote:
>>> I have a table populated with geometries (polygons to be exact) that 
>>> were created with other PostGIS functions.  They were added to this 
>>> table after passing the IsValid() test.  A SELECT query using 
>>> IsValid() verifies that all geometries in the table are valid.  But 
>>> when I run the query,
>>> SELECT Npoints( MultiIntersection( the_geom )) FROM myTable WHERE 
>>> IsValid(the_geom);
>>> I get an error "parse error - invalid geometry".  I cannot tell 
>>> which record is triggering the error because MultiIntersection() is 
>>> an *aggregate* function I created to take the cumulative 
>>> Intersection() of several polygons in the table (one per row).  It 
>>> is defined as such:
>>> CREATE AGGREGATE MultiIntersection (
>>>    SFUNC = Intersection,
>>>    INITCOND = ''
>>> );
>>> I'm going on the assumption that, because this is my first attempt 
>>> at my own aggregate function, I am doing something incorrectly.  But 
>>> I can figure out what it is I am doing wrong.  Can you help, please?
>>> Some of my cluelessness may be in part due to a lack of my 
>>> understanding the STYPE, and BASETYPE parameters as well as what the 
>>> INITCOND setting should be.  I have not successfully found any 
>>> documentation on these other than syntax and examples.
>>> Mark
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