[postgis-users] installing postgis in Ubuntu 5.10(Breezy)

alex bodnaru alexbodn at 012.net.il
Tue Nov 15 09:00:14 PST 2005


if you are interested, i'm debian postgis maintainer. while i'm waiting
for my sponsor's acknoledge, i'd like to supply you the current packages.

they build in multicluster postgresql environment, for postgresql
7.4-8.1, postgis 0.9.2-1.0.4. forthcoming postgis 1.1 will be soon



Blair Zajac wrote:
> Paul Scott wrote:
>>>>> abe.gillespie at gmail.com 11/14/05 9:04 PM >>>
>> Yes, please!  I just had to install PostgreSQL from source (Sat. night
>> in fact) because PostGIS needs the source tree.  This is annoying
>> because now I'm missing all the Ubuntu-specific PostgreSQL scripts.
>> I could quite easily build an Ubuntu specific deb for postgis. I just
>> don't have the time to maintain it, so if there are any takers there, I
>> could start the ball rolling...
> I've built Ubuntu packages for Postgresql 8.1.0 and PostGIS 1.0.4 using
> the Debian 8.1.0-1 packages as a base for my packages.
> The changes I've made to the Debian packages include two new patches,
> which add the contrib/postgis-1.0.4 directory and modify
> contrib/Makefile.  My packages build a postgresql-postgis-8.1 package
> with proj and libgeos support which depends upon postgresql-contrib-8.1.
> The only slight brokenness is that the postgressql-contrib package
> contains the README for the postgis package, but I didn't want to change
> the debian/postgresql-contrib-8.1.install and change the
> usr/share/postgresql/8.1/contrib/*
> to list everything by hand.  Is there a way to do exclusion of files in
> these?
> I found that trying to add postgis 1.0.4 as a source tar.gz to the
> Debian package wouldn't work after an hour or two of trying.  It looks
> like the packaging scheme used for Postgresql works well with a single
> .tar.gz.  So I just made a patch by unpacking two postgresql-8.1.0 and
> unpacking postgis into one and doing a 'diff -Nru' between them.
> You can see the packages by adding these two lines to your
> /etc/apt/sources.list:
> deb http://www.orcaware.com/packages/ubuntu/ breezy/
> deb-src http://www.orcaware.com/packages/ubuntu/ breezy/
> Or you can just browse to them and download them.
> Source deb's are also available, so you can download the sources,
> compare what I've done with the vanilla Debian build.
> Moving my changes back to 8.0 wouldn't be hard.
> Anyway, give them a shot and let me know.
> Regards,
> Blair

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