[postgis-users] contains function

Paul Ramsey pramsey at refractions.net
Wed Oct 5 14:49:46 PDT 2005

"polygon" is an internal PostgreSQL type, "geometry" is a PostGIS type. 
Your text form is the PostgreSQL polygon text form, not the 
well-known-text form.  Try this:

Select astext(wkb_geometry), name, state
 From usroads
Where state = ‘Alabama’
And name like ‘%Ross Clark%’
And Contains(GeometryFromText('POLYGON((-85.440253 31.207678, -85.421703 
31.207678, -85.421703 31.226228, -85.440253 31.226228, -85.440253 
31.207678))',-1), wkb_geometry);

Note that you are not using an index in this query, so if your table is 
large, it will be slow.

Frances Collier wrote:
> Are there any examples of using postgis that I can use for research?
> My current problem is the use of the Contains function.  Here’s my 
> statement:
> Select astext(wkb_geometry), name, state
> From usroads
> Where state = ‘Alabama’
> And name like ‘%Ross Clark%’
> And Contains(polygon('(-85.440253,31.207678),(-85.421703,31.207678),
> (-85.421703,31.226228),(-85.440253,31.226228),
> (-85.440253,31.207678)'), wkb_geometry);
> Here is the error I’m getting back:
> ERROR:  function contains(polygon, geometry) does not exist
> HINT:  No function matches the given name and argument types. You may
>  need to add explicit type casts.
> I’ve tried numerous ways to fix this but I haven’t had any luck. I’d
>  really appreciate any help I can get.
> Thank you,
> Frances
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