[postgis-users] SRS WKT >>> srid?

Paul Ramsey pramsey at refractions.net
Tue Oct 18 20:35:40 PDT 2005

Generally, with some simple string comparisons and your eyes.

No, it's not very efficient, but it is the standard, so it's not  
going anywhere.  If you need a nice normalized source of CRS  
information, the EPSG database from which our spatial_ref_sys  
contents are derived is the place to go.  Just google EPSG.


On Oct 18, 2005, at 6:56 AM, Patrick wrote:
> If I have a shapefile with an associated coordinate system string  
> as a WKT,
> how do I find the corresponding srid in spatial_ref_sys?
> It appears to me that spatial_ref_sys is currently not particularly
> efficient, certainly not normalized, and potentially (see question  
> above)
> not very suitable for querying (i.e. find me all SRSs based on the  
> Everest
> datum). Are there maybe some functions that support SRS analysis  
> that I
> missed?
> Patrick
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