[postgis-users] user map on Postgres web site

Brent Wood pcreso at pcreso.com
Wed Oct 26 19:18:16 PDT 2005

--- Randy George <rkgeorge at cadmaps.com> wrote:

> Hi Brent,
> 	Another possibility is an OGC WMS/WFS service on top of PostGIS
> using GeoServer http://geoserver.sourceforge.net/html/index.php GNU license

Yep. I've looked at Geoserver. My suggestion of Mapserver was due to the size
of the user base, there are more people out there using it, or so I believe.
Perhaps I should just have suggested Open Source OGC WMS compliant application
& left it for the various proponents to fight over :-)

> 	There are quite a few public WMS resources available currently that
> could be merged with locations and output as png, jpg, or svg image formats.
> TerraServer(DOQQ,DRG), USGS(NED,LandSat,Urban), NOAA ENC, SEACOOS, NASA, and
> JPL.... I am not sure how much detail is available outside the USA though.

>From NASA as you mentioned, but more specifically, WorldWind & the new Blue
Marble imagery...


http://www.sat.dundee.ac.uk/pdus.html (registration required but free access)

Canada, Australia & New Zealand have a fair bit freely available. But UK & much
of Europe still seem to be in the dark ages. 

> 	An OGC WFS/WMS http output has the advantage of allowing diverse
> client viewers, such as SVG, uDig, Jump,  ...

I had that in my original msg, then deleted the sentence before I sent it,
figuring those clients were available but not critical at this early stage.
Must be a case of either "great minds think alike" or "fools seldom differ".
Your call :-)

> An interesting project. 

I thought so :-)

> Would the ip locations/addresses be available to batch run through
> geocoder.us? How many records are involved? The last I checked geocoder.usa
> was 10-15 sec per address.

I don't know, but there is also http://www.zeesource.net/maps/geocoding.do
That particular area is not one I'm familiar with...

If it works for Postgres, I guess it could easily become a service for any
business to tap into to provide a map to embed in their web site... 

My idea, I wanna cut of any dosh that comes from it!!! 

More seriously, it could be a nice service based on OS tools which could be
available to any business pretty easily. Rather than $$ income, just an
acknowledement of the service & OS GIS/web mapping technology out in front of
lots of people. Making a potentially huge showcase for OS tools & their
interoperability as a suite.

Viable? Like or don't like?....



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