[postgis-users] MySQL->PostGIS
Erich Schroeder
erich at museum.state.il.us
Tue Sep 6 08:27:27 PDT 2005
Ah, thank you. The little bit that I tried was doing a monolithic
structure-and-data translation using my2pg.pl, and something else. I'll
try your method..
On Tue, 6 Sep 2005, Stephen Woodbridge wrote:
> Erich,
> I moved a LOT of data from MySQL to PostGIS and this is the method I used
> which was reasonable painless.
> 1) dump structure of mysql tables and convert to postgres
> 2) dump mysql data into tab separated columns of data
> 3) create the tables in postgres
> 4) edit the tab separated data file so it looks like:
> datafile.sql
> -------------------------------
> COPY <table> FROM STDIN;
> <data from mysql stripped of any header lines>
> \.
> --------------------------------
> then load the data with psql database < datafile.sql
> Now you have all the data loaded, you can start manipulating it inside
> postgres/postGIS
> so if you have a table with lat and long columns and you want to add a
> geometry column based on that then do something like:
> (assumes the database has the postGIS extensions loaded)
> alter table <table> add column the_geom geometry;
> <need to add some constraints here>
> update <table> set the_geom = setSRID(makepoint(long, lat), 4326);
> create index <table>_point_gidx on <table> using gist (the_geom
> gist_geometry_ops);
> vacuum analyze;
> move it all to postgres/postGIS, you will be very happy you did, I know I am
> :)
> -Steve W.
> Erich Schroeder wrote:
>> I have a mapserver application of paleontological data that uses shapefiles
>> to create the taxon-specific maps, and then allows the visitor to go to
>> views of the tabular data held in MySQL. I would like to recreated it using
>> PostGIS to allow more flexibility, etc. I looked at a couple of
>> mysql->pgsql translators and they didn't work for me right away. Am I
>> likely better off with one of following methods:
>> 1. going ahead and moving all 32 of the tables into postgresql? If so, do
>> any tools work well and easily?
>> 2. just creating one table on PostGIS to hold the point locations for the
>> paleontological site locations, and continue the rest of the data in MySQL?
>> 3. work with DBI-Link (http://pgfoundry.org/projects/dbi-link/) to create a
>> PostGIS-enabled database of the localities, with DBI-link'ed tables to the
>> Mysql versions? Anyone used DBI-link?
>> I have to say that I hate to lose access to the data via phpMyAdmin, as
>> I've gotten so used to it. However, I really want to be able to allow
>> queries such as "show me localities within 150km that also contain taxon-A
>> specimens that date from 8000 to 15000 years ago".
>> eks
>> ---------------------------------------------------------------------
>> Erich Schroeder Phone: (217)785-0033
>> Curator, Learning Center FAX: (217)785-2857
>> Illinois State Museum GIS Lab email:erich(at)illinois.state.museum
>> http://www.museum.state.il.us/ Linux user #18660
>> ---------------------------------------------------------------------
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Erich Schroeder Phone: (217)785-0033
Curator, Learning Center FAX: (217)785-2857
Illinois State Museum GIS Lab email:erich(at)illinois.state.museum
http://www.museum.state.il.us/ Linux user #18660
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