[postgis-users] postgis & php
Nelson Guda
nelsong at mail.utexas.edu
Tue Apr 4 11:50:52 PDT 2006
Hi Paul,
I have one other question. don't you need to be logged in to the
shell in order to run the shp2pgsql?
On Apr 3, 2006, at 11:39 PM, Paul Scott wrote:
> Hi Nelsong,
> This code looks vaguely familiar :) although really dated, it will
> still
> work...
> On Mon, 2006-04-03 at 14:52 -0500, Nelson Guda wrote:
>> I found a set of php classes on the web that include a function for
>> shp2pgsql, but I cannot seem to get it working. I'll copy those
>> functions below. I don't understand what I might need to change to
>> make this work. Can anyone help me out with this?
> check out http://avoir.uwc.ac.za/projects/postgis in the CVS
> section for
> a more updated version. That being said, lets fix up your problem...
>> //function to insert shapefiles (ESRI) into PostGIS DB
>> function create_sql($filename,$dbname)
>> {
>> //create the tablename from the filename (replace the .shp with shp)
>> $tablename1 = str_replace('.','',$filename);
>> //Remove last three chars from table name ('shp' is discarded)
>> $tablename = substr($tablename1,0,-3);
>> //Give the log file a name by tacking .log onto the table name
>> $logfile = $tablename.".log";
>> //execute the shell script that does all the real work (thanks
>> refractions.net)
>> $ret = shell_exec("/usr/local/pgsql/bin/shp2pgsql $filename
>> $tablename|/usr/local/pgsql/bin/psql -d $dbname 2>&1");
>> echo $ret; //debug only (displays the results)
>> //open a file handle for binary safe write - this creates a
>> logfile...Use it or leave it, just an extra
>> $handle = fopen($logfile,'w');
>> //Write the log data to a file
>> fwrite($handle, $ret);
>> //close the file handle
>> fclose($handle);
>> }
> This function basically does all the magic, but should be a private
> function. Which leaves us with the function below:
>> function shp2pgsql($filename,$dbname)
>> {
>> //loop through all the shapefiles and perform the function on them
>> foreach (glob("*.shp") as $filename)
>> {
>> //display the file size and name that we are currently working on
>> //echo "$filename size " . filesize($filename) . "<br><br>\n";
>> //do the sql-ize and insert the data, also write a log
>> create_sql($filename,$dbname);
>> }//end foreach
>> }//end function
> Here the function will take a directory and go through the entire
> directory and convert all shapefiles to postgis sql statements. It can
> also execute the sql...
> A couple of things you should look out for though:
> 1. Make sure that your webserver user has access to the database
> (in my
> case its www-data.
> 2. Make sure that your shapefiles are readable by PHP/Web user.
> Then all should be OK.
> --Paul
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