[postgis-users] Obtaining nearest points between two linestrings
Christian Heine
christian at geosci.usyd.edu.au
Thu Dec 7 22:27:01 PST 2006
> I was trying to find a way to obtain the coordinates of the nearest
> points between two linestring. I play some time with the distance,
> line_locate_point, line_interpolate_point and other functions but I
> didn't find a way to get the information I want. I think that what
> I'm trying to find is a function like line_locate_point that obtain
> the point on one linestring nearest to another linestring.
> I know that there may be lot of cases in wich the "nearest point"
> could be more than one (e.g . parallel segments, two linestring
> with two sections of parallel segments at the minimum distance,
> etc), but at least I want to get one (any) of this points.
> I also try a workaround creating a buffer around one of the
> linestring using the distance between the linestrings as width,
> finding the intersection between the buffer and the other
> linestring and obtaining the centroid of the result, but I couldn't
> make this works.
below an old message by Micheal Fuhr in reply to a simliar problem I
had finding the _longest_ distance between two points in a polygon.
With some tinkering you should be able to tackle your problem.
Date: Wednesday, 1 February 2006 12:57:21 PM Australia/Sydney
From: Michael Fuhr
Subject: Re: [postgis-users] Longest axis of a polygon
To: PostGIS Users Discussion
Reply-To: PostGIS Users Discussion
On Tue, Jan 31, 2006 at 05:01:13PM +1100, Christian Heine wrote:
> > I'm not familiar with solving this problem so maybe this isn't
> > correct or what you need, but could you look for the pair of points
> > on the polygon's (simplified) exterior ring or convex hull
> > by the most distance? It would be easy to iterate through the
> > points in a function.
> Thanks for the suggestion! I looked at convexhull() and this seems
> to be quite ok for my purposes -
> How do I loop over a set of points in PostGIS/SQL?
Here's a function that I've only minimally tested. As I said, I'm
not familiar with solving this particular problem so corrections
or improvements are welcome. One possible problem is that for
certain geometries the function might return a linestring that lies
entirely outside the geometry, except for the endpoints; a crescent
comes to mind.
CREATE FUNCTION longestaxis(geom geometry) RETURNS geometry AS $$
hull geometry := convexhull(geom);
ering geometry;
len double precision;
maxlen double precision := -1;
maxi integer;
maxj integer;
IF geometrytype(hull) IN ('POINT', 'LINESTRING') THEN
RETURN hull;
ering := exteriorring(hull);
FOR i IN 1 .. npoints(ering) - 2 LOOP
FOR j IN i + 1 .. npoints(ering) - 1 LOOP
len := distance(pointn(ering, i), pointn(ering, j));
IF len > maxlen THEN
maxlen := len;
maxi := i;
maxj := j;
RETURN makeline(pointn(ering, maxi), pointn(ering, maxj));
Michael Fuhr
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