[postgis-users] Problem with new datatypes

"Ing. Aleš Daněk" ales.danek at cad-programs.com
Fri Dec 15 01:18:09 PST 2006


I tested new datatypes and I could only save this type to Geometry type 
column. When I tried save it to for example CIRCULARSTRING postgis wrote 
this error :
new row for relation "curve_test" violates check constraint 

I was using this SQL commands:
select addgeometrycolumn('','table','column',-1,'CIRCULARSTRING',2);
update curve_test set the_geom_c=GeomFromEWKT( 'CIRCULARSTRING(18 49,17 
47,20 51)' );

Is it because SQL/00 standard isn't fully supported or I'm doing some 

Best regard


Ing. Aleš Daněk
CAD programy - Ing. Jan Vlčinský
Nádražní 140
702 00 Ostrava
Czech Republic
Telefon: +420-59 613 38 87
E-mail: ales.danek at cad-programs.com

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