[postgis-users] select AsSVG is beyond me, need some help

Hugo Ferreira bytter at gmail.com
Wed Dec 20 05:15:34 PST 2006


Those are Path instructions, not full SVG documents.
Check this link for further instructions:


Hugo Ferreira

On 12/20/06, Bruce Bushby <bruce.bushby at rmsaudio.com> wrote:
> Hello
> I'm trying to display a map layer in an svg document but just can't seem to get
> anything to work, any help would be much appreciated.
> The map is in shape file format using decimal degrees. I imported the map (munbounds)
> with the following command:
> shp2pgsql -s 4326 -d munbounds munbounds | psql -d SANDTON -U webuser
> The map imports perfectly and I can select it, but I can't select AsSVG, simply because
> I don't know what I'm doing :) This is what I've done so far
> I can view the extent like so:
>         [postgres at svg ~]$
>         [postgres at svg ~]$ psql -d SANDTON -U webuser -c "select astext(extent(the_geom)) from munbounds"
>                                                                                            astext
>         -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
>         POLYGON((27.9827041625977 -26.1347217559814,27.9827041625977 -25.9942073822021,28.1381454467773 -25.9942073822021,28.1381454467773 -26.1347217559814,27.9827041625977 -26.1347217559814))
>         (1 row)
> and I get box information like so:
>         [postgres at svg ~]$ psql -d SANDTON -U webuser -c "select extent (the_geom) from munbounds"
>                                            extent
>         ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
>         BOX(27.9827041625977 -26.1347217559814,28.1381454467773 -25.9942073822021)
>         (1 row)
> then (and this is where I think I've got it all wrong) I take those values and use them in a select:
>         [postgres at svg ~]$ psql -d SANDTON -U webuser -c "SELECT  AsSVG(intersection(Simplify(the_geom,80),
>         GeometryFromText('POLYGON((27.9827041625977 -26.1347217559814,27.9827041625977 -25.9942073822021,28.1381454467773 -25.9942073822021,28.1381454467773 -26.1347217559814,27.9827041625977 -26.1347217559814))',4326)),1,1)
>         FROM munbounds WHERE the_geom && setSRID('BOX3D(27.9827041625977 -26.1347217559814,28.1381454467773 -25.9942073822021)'::box3d,4326)"
>         assvg
>         -------
>         (1 row)
> But I get nothing back.
> If I do a simple select AsSVG I get rows of numbers, but they don't seem to work when I use them in an SVG document:
>         [postgres at svg ~]$ psql -d SANDTON -U webuser -t -c "select AsSVG(the_geom) from munbounds"
>         M 28.09089279176353 26.02902221677196 28.090887069700084 26.029689788796819 28.090881347636643.............lots of these
> The map should be a simple municipal boundary about 7 Kilometres x 5 Kilometres. My svg document has a viewbox of 0 0 1024 768.
> Is there something obvious that I'm not doing? besides not getting svg path results :)
> Cheers
> Bruce
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