[postgis-users] Running post GIS script
krishnamohan at dsmsoft.com
Thu Dec 28 01:55:33 PST 2006
Dear All,
I am very new to postGIS. I have installed the postGIS and dcmms database on
windows. I have loaded one shape file into the database. I have a script to
be run on that database but i am not able to run it. Can some one please
help me on how to do it. I have pasted that script here below.
if test $# -lt 4
echo "Usage: $0 dbname plss_shapefile inpath outpath "
echo 'Where dbname=name of the PostGIS database'
echo 'plss_shapefile = name of the PLSS shapefile'
echo 'inpath = the path where the shapefile resides'
echo 'outpath = the path where your quad plss should reside'
echo "drop table plss;"|psql -d $1
echo "delete from geometry_columns where f_table_name='plss';"|psql
echo "drop table plss_quad;"|psql -d $1
echo "delete from geometry_columns where f_table_name='plss_quad';"|psql -d
cd $3
# Import the parcel shapefile into PostGIS database and in AEA projection
ogr2ogr -f "PostgreSQL" PG:dbname=$1 $2 -nln plss -lco
# Build an index
echo 'Create Index plss_index on plss using gist (wkb_geometry
GIST_GEOMETRY_OPS);'|psql -d $1
# Vacuum Analyze
echo 'vacuum analyze plss;'|psql -d $1
# add column quadrant to the table
echo 'alter table plss add column region varchar(40);'|psql -d $1
echo "update plss set region='Northeast' where sec in
(1,2,3,10,11,12,13,14,15);"|psql -d $1
echo "update plss set region='Northwest' where sec in
(4,5,6,7,8,9,16,17,18);"|psql -d $1
echo "update plss set region='Southeast' where sec in
(22,23,24,25,26,27,34,35,36);"|psql -d $1
echo "update plss set region='Southwest' where sec in
(19,20,21,28,29,30,31,32,33);"|psql -d $1
echo "alter table plss add column quadrant varchar(50);"|psql -d $1
echo "update plss set quadrant='TWP. '||twn||TD||' - RNG. '||rng||RD||'
('||region||')';"|psql -d $1
# Do a dissolve based on quadrant
echo 'create table plss_quad as select quadrant as Quadrant,
geomunion(wkb_geometry) as wkb_geometry from plss group by quadrant;'|psql
-d $1
#echo 'create table plss_quad as select geomunion(wkb_geometry), covertype
plss group by quadrant;'|psql -d $1
# echo 'select buffer(collect(wkb_geometry), 0) from plss'|psql -d $1;
#get the srid of plss
temp=`echo "select srid from geometry_columns where
-d $1`
srid=`echo $temp|awk '{print $3}'`
echo "insert into geometry_columns
values('','public','plss_quad','wkb_geometry',2,$srid,'GEOMETRY');"|psql -d
ogr2ogr -f "ESRI Shapefile" $4/plss_quad.shp PG:dbname=$1 plss_quad
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