[postgis-users] Query Problem pg 8.0.3 and 8.1.7
René F. Viancos S.
rviancos at gmail.com
Thu Feb 16 17:19:25 PST 2006
Dear users, i have a problem with the following query.
SELECT DISTINCT(intersection((SELECT collect(the_geom) FROM r13_ejes_32719
WHERE nombre = 'LOS RECUERDOS'),(SELECT collect(the_geom) FROM
r13_ejes_32719 WHERE nombre = 'LOS NOGALES'))) FROM r13_ejes_32719 WHERE
(nombre = 'LOS RECUERDOS' OR nombre = 'LOS NOGALES');
where 'r13_ejes_32719' is the table with the street data, 'nombre' the flied
with the street name.
In postgresql 8.0.3 works fine, but doesn't in postgresql 8.1.7 and i have
executed the postgis_full_version() in both versions;
postgresql 8.0.3, win32 binary package, has the folowing:
POSTGIS="0.9.1" GEOS="2.1.1" PROJ="Rel. 4.4.9, 29 Oct 2004" USE_STATS
DBPROC="0.0.1" RELPROC="0.0.1"
postgresql 8.1.7, win32 binary package, has the folowing;
POSTGIS="1.0.4" GEOS="2.1.4" PROJ="Rel. 4.4.9, 29 Oct 2004" USE_STATS
DBPROC="0.3.0" RELPROC="0.3.0"
In postgresql 8.0.3 the shape dumper creates this DDL
CREATE TABLE "public"."r13_ejes_32719" (
"gid" SERIAL,
"fnode_" BIGINT,
"tnode_" BIGINT,
"lpoly_" BIGINT,
"rpoly_" BIGINT,
"length" NUMERIC,
"svial05_" BIGINT,
"svial05_id" BIGINT,
"iniizq" NUMERIC(20,0),
"terizq" NUMERIC(20,0),
"inider" NUMERIC(20,0),
"terder" NUMERIC(20,0),
"nombre" VARCHAR,
"clase" VARCHAR,
"prefijo" VARCHAR,
"observ" VARCHAR,
"transito" NUMERIC(20,0),
"id_saf" NUMERIC(20,0),
"the_geom" "public"."geometry",
CONSTRAINT "r13_ejes_32719_pkey" PRIMARY KEY("gid"),
CONSTRAINT "enforce_geotype_the_geom" CHECK ((geometrytype(the_geom) =
'MULTILINESTRING'::text) OR (the_geom IS NULL)),
CONSTRAINT "enforce_srid_the_geom" CHECK (srid(the_geom) = 32719)
In postgresql 8.1.7 the shape dumper creates this DDL
CREATE TABLE "public"."r13_ejes_32719" (
"gid" SERIAL,
"fnode_" BIGINT,
"tnode_" BIGINT,
"lpoly_" BIGINT,
"rpoly_" BIGINT,
"length" NUMERIC,
"svial05_" BIGINT,
"svial05_id" BIGINT,
"iniizq" NUMERIC(20,0),
"terizq" NUMERIC(20,0),
"inider" NUMERIC(20,0),
"terder" NUMERIC(20,0),
"nombre" VARCHAR,
"clase" VARCHAR,
"prefijo" VARCHAR,
"observ" VARCHAR,
"transito" NUMERIC(20,0),
"id_saf" NUMERIC(20,0),
"the_geom" "public"."geometry",
CONSTRAINT "r13_ejes_32719_pkey" PRIMARY KEY("gid"),
CONSTRAINT "enforce_dims_the_geom" CHECK (ndims(the_geom) = 2),
CONSTRAINT "enforce_geotype_the_geom" CHECK ((geometrytype(the_geom) =
'MULTILINESTRING'::text) OR (the_geom IS NULL)),
CONSTRAINT "enforce_srid_
the_geom" CHECK (srid(the_geom) = 32719)
Finally, the output for the query in postgresql 8.0.3 is
SRID=-1;POINT(355514.59375 6290622) (the intersection point between "LOS
and the output in postgresql 8.1.7 is
ERROR: GEOS Intersection() threw an error! (i don't know why....)
Can any body help me with this problem ?
Best Regards
René F. Viáncos S.
Director de Geomática y TIC
Vicerrectoría de Investigación y Desarrollo
Universidad de Chile
Tel (56-2) 632 62 09
Cel (56 9) 933 72 66
rviancos at uchile.cl
rviancos at gmail.com
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