[postgis-users] viewing a large postgis table with several columns

Kevin Neufeld kneufeld at refractions.net
Tue Jan 24 07:57:33 PST 2006

It sounds like you have large geometries that results in long wkt 
representations. Try wrapping your geometry column with a 
summary(the_geom) function call - it does just that ... displays a 
summary of the geometry, just for display purposes. You could also try 
using the \x option that toggles expanded output and limit your query to 
1. Further, to guarantee that you don't have invalid values in your 
attributes, add a few constriants to your table columns, like NOT NULL, 
or restrict the domain to a set of expected values.


First Last wrote:

>i have a big postgis table with several columns and whenever i try to display the content of that table using a select statement in postgresql(psql) i get several blank pages, followed by several pages with only dashes as content, then the geometry. it will take several pressings of the space bar before i get to the geometry part even if i limit the number of columns and rows to display in the select statement. also there are but a few rows with blank values and no record with a value of "-" so i don't know if i'm getting garbage result.
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Kevin Neufeld,
Refractions Research Inc.,
kneufeld at refractions.net
Phone: (250) 383-3022 
Fax:   (250) 383-2140 

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