[postgis-users] Who is Using PostGIS? For What?

Alex Kuznetsov nexikan at gmail.com
Wed Jul 12 12:53:31 PDT 2006

Could you tell a litle bit more about shapefile from KML creation.

thank you,

Alex Kuznetsov,
SSFC GIS student

On 7/12/06, mark thomas <javaguru at bellsouth.net> wrote:
>  Who are you?
> Mark Thomas - independent GIS developer/contractor
> What are you using PostGIS for?
> 1) geocoding, zip code lookups, radius lookups (i.e. is gimme everything
> within XXX miles of 123 main st, somewhere, AL 12345), and customer-created
> polygon lookups (cartoweb/MapServer for visual polygon drawing) in a custom
> application providing free demographic data and statistics on the public
> Internet.  PostgreSQL/PostGIS stores all the demographic data retrieved by
> the various lookups and is then rendered in either HTML or PDF.
> check it out at http://www.demographicsdata.com - note that its running on
> my home workstation right now so it might be slow/down at times, but that
> will change soon...
> 2) I use PostGIS for easy creation of shapefiles.  For example, I used it
> to create a shapefile out of a Google Earth KML file.  PostGIS is an
> invaluable tool for spatial data analysis and manipulation.  I also use
> PostGIS to create shapefiles out of TIGER/line files.
> Why did you choose PostGIS?
> Because its more OGC standards-based than Oracle Spatial/Locator, its more
> robust/mature than MyGIS, the large user community, and its free!
> What makes you happy about your PostGIS installation?
> It's so easy to install and use.  A simple shell script gives me a fully
> working environment.  The SDO libraries for Oracle Spatial work great, but
> there's a steep learning curve involved and the functions are somewhat
> convoluted.  On the other hand, PostGIS is so easy to use. The community is
> also an order of magnitude better and more helpful IMHO.
> What makes you unhappy about your PostGIS installation?
> Nothing.
>   Mark Thomas
> http://www.spatialguru.net
> *"Commit to the Lord whatever you do, *
> *    and your plans will succeed." - Proverbs 16:3*
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