[postgis-users] Who is Using PostGIS? For What?

Hernán De Angelis hernan.deangelis at glocalnet.net
Thu Jul 13 14:41:33 PDT 2006

>      Who are you?
Hernán De Angelis, Department of Physical Geography and Quaternary Geology, 
Stockholm University, Sweden

>      What are you using PostGIS for?
Storage and analysis of glaciological and palaeoglaciological features.

>      Why did you choose PostGIS?
Because it is powerful, reliable, flexible, stable and free.

>      What makes you happy about your PostGIS installation?
I can access databases from several free GIS applications, perl scripts and 
the command line.

>      What makes you unhappy about your PostGIS installation?
Nothing about PostGIS in itself, but has to do with it anyway: there are still 
few free GIS applications providing a fully implemented on-screen digitizing 
environment for PostGIS.

In my particular case, for example, I usually digitize features that I 
interpret on satellite imagery. Therefore, I need a GIS application that is 
able to display images, with the posibility of applying enhancements, and at 
the same time allows to directly digitize in PostGIS. As far as I know the 
only free application that is able to do that is gvSIG, although it is still 
in an early stage of development. uDig is good for digitizing but it doesn't 
display big satellite images. Another good alternative, QGIS, has very basic 
digitizing tools and displays images, but it is unable of applying 
enhancements (on grey scales). So, until now I am forced to digitize in 
shapefile format or GRASS and then exporting to PostGIS. I will be glad when 
an application like gvSIG or similar reaches a more advanced stage where it 
is possible to do production work.

> Those who want to remain in confidence, but still want to make their
> feelings known, please respond to me directly.
> I am going to be writing up a handful of PostGIS users into full
> white-papers for the web site and my own conference talks, so please, if
> you think you have a compelling PostGIS story, start by giving us a
> summary here on the list!
> I love hearing these stories!
> Paul
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