[postgis-users] Installation postGIS1.1.2

Stüwe Rolf Rolf.Stuewe at stadt.wuppertal.de
Mon Jun 12 03:05:00 PDT 2006


I have a problem by installing postgis 1.1.2 with postgres 8.1.4 under Suse linux /9 64 bit Version.

It seems that the configure and make Skript does not find the right path of the postgres-Version.
For using the configure-Skript I have to set the PATH on the postgres ... pg_config-file.
after this the "make" does not find some files, that are in the right path of the postgres installation (postgres.h or geo_decls.h).
geos2.2.2 and proj4 4.4.9 are installed correctly, the postgis is correctly under the postgres/contrib path.
Is it possible, that the versions are not compatibel?

I have a running version postgres 8.1.1  with postgis 1.1.0, geos and proj on the same machine in different paths (not /usr/local)

can you help me?

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