[postgis-users] Make test fails: lc-messages

Alastair Smith alastair at outsidethecube.ca
Wed Jun 14 17:03:26 PDT 2006


When I run 'make test', I get the following error:
psql: FATAL:  permission denied to set parameter "lc_messages"

I'm running Debian 3.1, PostgreSQL 7.4.6 and PostGIS 1.1.2.  

If I run 'make install', everything seems to work fine (i.e. no errors).
However I can not run any of the *.sql files that come with PostGIS (same
error as above), and if I try adding GIS objects it says the function can't
be found.

I can supply more information, but I'm at a loss as to where to start.



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