[postgis-users] polygons crossing 0/360 longitude
Shane Byrne
shane at quake.mit.edu
Fri Jun 23 08:22:17 PDT 2006
Thanks a lot to all who responded. I've come up with a solution to my
problem. I wrote a plpgsql script to split polygons that cross the prime
meridian into multipolygons. It will handle complex polygons that cross
this meridian several times. I did not add the loop to allow it to
handle a multipolygon input (wasn't necessary for my case) although that
shouldn't be too hard. The code is copied below in case it can save
someone some time in the future.
end_geom GEOMETRY;
line_geom GEOMETRY;
IF ((xmax($1)-xmin($1)) > 180) THEN
SELECT INTO line_geom geometryn(boundary($1),1);
FOR nn IN 1 .. npoints(line_geom) LOOP
SELECT INTO xp x(pointn(line_geom,nn));
SELECT INTO yp y(pointn(line_geom,nn));
IF (xp < 180) THEN
xp := xp + 360;
SELECT INTO line_geom setpoint(line_geom,nn-1,MakePoint(xp,yp));
SELECT INTO end_geom multi(MakePolygon(line_geom));
SELECT INTO end_geom geomunion(
multi(intersection( multi(box2d('BOX( 0 -90, 360
90)')),end_geom )),
translate(multi(intersection( multi(box2d('BOX(360 -90, 720
90)')),end_geom )),-360,0,0)
end_geom := $1;
RETURN end_geom;
$$ LANGUAGE 'plpgsql';
> Carlos Ferrão wrote:
>> Hello Shane,
>> One thing I do is to keep the original polygon coordinates to show to
>> the user. The longitude values are, in principle, limited between -180
>> and 180 on the interface. The search will work good and always
>> retrieve only one record even if internally you have two polygons
>> which intersect if someday -180 connects to 180.My approach is to be
>> pragmatic and deliver reasonably good solutions on time. Of course, if
>> the requirements change, this is no longer an option.
>> The problem with your approach is that you're applying it to my
>> trivial example where, conveniently, the latitude is the same. Now
>> imagine that instead of 170 20, -170 20 you have 170 20, -170(=190)
>> 35. Imagine also that a polygon can have lines that cross the dateline
>> many times. Well, for each segment of those, you need to calculate m
>> (the declive) of the equation of the line y=mx+b and determine what
>> the latitude value will be when the longitude is 180. And this is if
>> you're plotting the polygons with lines, if you're using archs it gets
>> much more complicated.I would classify this as a last hopeless
>> solution.
>> If you really want to keep your polygons neat, it's easier to use
>> geometry operations but you need to calculate the two polygons as I
>> said in my previous email, intersect them with some rectangle on the
>> <-180 >180 limits and get the complementary geometry.Something like
>> that should work.
>> I use PERL for two reasons. The first is that I need to parse a file
>> with metadata of satellite products and PERL is very powerful with
>> regular expressions and very fast working with strings. The other
>> reason is that I prefer to process my data before I load it and I
>> don't want to put the responsibility of calculating coordinates inside
>> a specific database engine.
>> Good luck,
>> Carlos.
>> On 6/21/06, Shane Byrne <shane at quake.mit.edu> wrote:
>>> ok
>>> I was thinking more of that polygon (170 20, -170 20, 175 5, 170 10,
>>> 170
>>> 20) becoming:
>>> Polygon 1:
>>> 170 20, 180 20, 180 10, 175 5, 170 10, 170 20
>>> ^^^^^^ ^^^^^^
>>> Polygon 2:
>>> -180 20, -170 20, -180 10
>>> ^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^
>>> i.e. introducing two new vertices on the dividing meridian and having
>>> the area of the two polygons add up to the total area of the original.
>>> It sounds like there is no easy way to do this in PostGis though. I
>>> think your approach of using perl to figure it out would probably be
>>> the
>>> easiest way.
>>> My polygons are pretty simple and only cross the meridian once, I guess
>>> a complicated polygon could do that several times which will confuse
>>> things.
>>> Cheers,
>>> Shane
>>> Carlos Ferrão wrote:
>>> > To calculate the two polygons I am using a PERL script on data
>>> > ingestion to build the insert statement..
>>> > If I have a polygon which is (lon/lat)
>>> > 170 20, -170 20, 175 5, 170 10, 170 20
>>> > it becomes
>>> > polygon 1:
>>> > 170 20, (-170+360=190) 20, 175 5, 170 10, 170 20
>>> >
>>> > polygon 2:
>>> > (170-360=-190) 20, -170 20, (175-360=-185) 5, (170-360=-190) 10,
>>> > (170-360=-190) 20
>>> >
>>> > Just insert the two polygons into a single row using the MULTIPOLYGON
>>> > object.
>>> >
>>> > Carlos.
>>> >
>>> > On 6/21/06, Shane Byrne <shane at quake.mit.edu> wrote:
>>> >> Thanks Carlos, this is a good idea.
>>> >>
>>> >> Finding the problem polygons is easy enough, but how did you
>>> split them
>>> >> into two polygons along this meridian? Can I define a line and
>>> with that
>>> >> use some postgis function to split the polygon?
>>> >> I'd also like to copy over all the information in the other
>>> fields to
>>> >> each new polygon.
>>> >>
>>> >>
>>> >> Shane
>>> >>
>>> >> Carlos Ferrão wrote:
>>> >> > Hi,
>>> >> > I recently had a similar problem with products crossing the
>>> -180/180
>>> >> > longitude. The problem is that postgis doesn't connect the -180
>>> to the
>>> >> > 180 as, for instance, Oracle Spatial Module.
>>> >> > The way I found to solve it was to do an algorithm to find the
>>> >> > polygons that cross the date line. For each one, I calculate 2
>>> >> > polygons, one in the negative coordinates and another in the
>>> positive
>>> >> > coordinates (you need to add/subtract 360). I add a
>>> multipolygon with
>>> >> > the information of the two polygons in a single row in the
>>> database
>>> >> > and it works perfectly.
>>> >> >
>>> >> > Hope it helps,
>>> >> > Carlos Ferrao
>>> >> > EOP - ESRIN - European Space Agency
>>> >> > Critical Software - www.criticalsoftware.com
>>> >> >
>>> >> > On 6/21/06, Shane Byrne <shane at quake.mit.edu> wrote:
>>> >> >> Hi,
>>> >> >> I have a postgres/postgis database with many (~80k) polygons, the
>>> >> >> vertices of which are stored in longitude (0-360) and latitude
>>> space.
>>> >> >> These polygons are typically small, but a few hundred of them
>>> span the
>>> >> >> prime meridian. This creates a problem for me when I search for
>>> >> polygon
>>> >> >> intersections. i.e. a polygon with a longitude range -5 to +5 is
>>> >> >> actually stored as +355 to +5 and so postgis thinks it
>>> intersects a
>>> >> >> whole bunch of polygons that it really doesn't. I could
>>> change to the
>>> >> >> -180 to 180 longitude system but that only moves the problem to a
>>> >> >> different longitude.
>>> >> >>
>>> >> >> Is there a graceful way around this?
>>> >> >> I'm thinking of just making two tables, the other table would
>>> have
>>> >> >> longitudes ranging from -180 to +180 and doing two searches with
>>> >> >> longitude ranges chosen to avoid the problem area on each
>>> table. Does
>>> >> >> postgis have a way to handle cyclical coordinates?
>>> >> >>
>>> >> >> Thanks for any help,
>>> >> >> Shane
>>> >> >>
>>> >> >>
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>>> >> >> postgis-users at postgis.refractions.net
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>>> >> >>
Shane Byrne - University of Arizona - Lunar & Planetary Lab
Email: shane at lpl.arizona.edu Phone: (928)556-7235
Web : http://www.gps.caltech.edu/~shane Fax : (928)556-7014
Mail : USGS - Astrogeology Division,
2255 North Gemini Drive, Flagstaff, AZ 86001, US.
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