[postgis-users] PostGIS without JTS or GEOS
davidtecher at yahoo.fr
Wed Mar 15 05:41:53 PST 2006
I think U need to used Geos for what U are doing!
As Nico said, from PostGIS doc
Return a Point guaranteed to lie on the surface
Implemented using GEOS
OGC SPEC and -
One solution I give is first trying to backup your database with only
the tables then
rebuild postgis with geos
So let's go:
Backup only for tables:
su 'postgres_usre_you_are'
export yourdatabase=????????;for i in $(psql -d ${yourdatabase} -AtF ""
-c "select tablename from pg_tables where (tablename not like 'pg_%')
and (tablename not like 'spatial_ref_sys' ) and (tablename not like
'sql_%' ) and (tablename not like 'geom%' ) order by tablename");do
pg_dump -civOt $i $yourdatabase >> ~/${yourdatabase}_dump.sql;done
replace ????? by then name of your database
cd /path/to/postgis-1.0.0/sources
make uninstall clean distclean
cd ..
wget http://geos.refractions.net/geos-2.2.1.tar.bz2
tar xjjf geos-2.2.1.tar.bz2
cd geos-2.2.1;./configure && make && make install
If your need to specify the gcc version U could try
CC=gcc-3.4 CXX=g++-3.4 ./configure
before make and make install
See if geos it installed by trying
geos-config --version
which geos-config
if u have something like '/usr/local/bin/geos-config'
cat /etc/ld.so.conf
then see if it send U something like '/usr/local/lib' or else
do echo /usr/local/lib >> /etc/ld.so.conf
cd /path/to/postgis-1.0.0/sources
./configure --enable-autoconf --with-geos=$(which geos-config)
N.B: Since 1.0.0 is not available on PostGIS I'm very sure for the
options above so try ./configure --help for the option for geos
make install
su 'postgres_usre_you_are'
dropdb yourdatase
createdb yourdatabse and so on
then psql -d yoyrdatabase -f ~/"your_database"_dump.sql
Ezequias Rodrigues da Rocha a écrit :
> I just thought JTS was created by vividsolutions (Martin Davis)
> Now I am updated.
> So we can use jts or we are obligated to use GEOS ?
> Thank you.
> Nicolas Ribot escreveu:
>>> Could someone tell me the steps to flow to make this recompilation ?
>>> Are you sure JTS is installed ?
>>> The GEOS functions could not be used with JTS ?
>> GEOS is the C++ port of the JTS library (done by Refractions) used in
>> Postgis.
>> Nicolas
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