[postgis-users] Features and SRIDs

Nicolas Ribot nicky666 at gmail.com
Wed Mar 22 09:55:35 PST 2006

> Hi list,
> I am using PostGIS with my Desktop Client GIS OpenJUMP and receive the
> following message:
> java.lang.RuntimeException: org.postgresql.util.PSQLException: ERROR:
> Operation on two geometries with different SRIDs
> Could someone tell me what is occurring ?
> Sincerely...

As far as I remember, the Jump postgis driver considers that
geometries' SRID are always -1 (meaning no Spatial Reference System).

If your postgis geometries do have a SRID other than -1, then this error occurs.
To circumvent this problem, you could set geometries SRID to -1 before
working with jump, and restoring them to their actual value after the
setSRID (geometry) will do the trick.

(I may be completely wrong :-)


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