[postgis-users] Collect problem - 2

Daniel daniel.faivre at camptocamp.com
Tue May 2 03:54:39 PDT 2006

In addition to my previous post: error remain when all self-intersecting 
polygons are removed. Why the tests in the query  fails to filter only 
valid geometries ? (with the right dimension:2) ???


I've used to proceed queries like:
SELECT collect(lga_geom) as buffer FROM lg_annee
WHERE lga_annee='2005' and lga_nat_cdn=2 and lga_var>-1 GROUP BY lga_annee;

With last versions of Postgis, such queries failed, even if I add tests 

SELECT collect(lga_geom) as buffer FROM lg_annee
WHERE lga_annee='2005' and lga_nat_cdn=2 and lga_var>-1 and lga_geom is 
not null
and isvalid(lga_geom) and dimension(lga_geom)=2 GROUP BY lga_annee;

Errors reported are:

NOTICE:  Self-intersection
NOTICE:  Self-intersection
NOTICE:  Self-intersection

ERROR:  lwcollection_construct: mixed dimension geometries

Table lg_annee contain 2-dimension polygon geometries. The query worked 
fine with older versions.

What can I do ?

Any idea ?


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