[postgis-users] Why can I see my attribute data in Udig and not using SQL-commands ?

Paul Ramsey pramsey at refractions.net
Tue May 23 07:54:34 PDT 2006

Because the geometries are very large, so when psql tries to print  
them to the screen, it creates a lot of white space first.  Try  
"select count(*) from mytable".  If it is > 0 then you do have data.

On May 23, 2006, at 7:26 AM, Steven De Vriendt wrote:

> Hi List,
> I've imported a shapefile in a postgis table using shp2pgsql.
> When I explore my data in Udig I can see my attribute data for the
> corresponding features, yet, when I use the SQL commands in PostgreSQL
> I get a blank screen...
> I can only see the header of my columns, not the data itself ? How  
> come ??
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