[postgis-users] HELP! Ms-Access shape data to the_geom

Hendra Yana Hendra at lskk.ee.itb.ac.id
Mon Nov 13 18:16:18 PST 2006

Thanks for the reply man....

Here is the sample cut of my MS-Access Database with the shape data field

My questions are:

1. Where is field of the_geom field in postgresql? 

2. How to export this MS-Access to postgresql that support postgis?

3. I try to export one field in MS-Access to csv format but the OLE Object
Data type doesn't export well (empty), why?

   Table PROPINSI :
   Field Name             Type           Size
   OBJECTID_1         AutoNumber          0
   Shape              OLE Object          0
   OBJECTID           Long Integer        0
   PROPINSI           Text                32
   Shape_Leng         Float               0
   Shape_Length       Float               0
   Shape_Area         Float               0

   Here is the export result in cvs :

2;;3;"DKI JAKARTA";263503,93;264679,62;672163800,44
3;;4;"JAWA TENGAH";1503623,10;1518265,46;37669858041,39
4;;1;"JAWA BARAT";236102,42;1318954,20;36963824115,52

Again thanks for the reply...
Me Henks

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