[postgis-users] NOTICE: type "spheroid" is not yet defined

Frank Koormann frank.koormann at intevation.de
Tue Nov 28 06:24:10 PST 2006

Hi Christian,

* Christian.Strobl at dlr.de <Christian.Strobl at dlr.de> [061128 14:56]:
> hi all,
> i have compiled postgis 1.1.6 for ubuntu 6.06. at a first glance all
> worked fine but with 
> psql -d mytestdb -f
> /usr/src/postgresql/postgresql-8.1.5/contrib/postgis-1.1.6/lwpostgis.sql
> i got the following messages (see below)
> is that anything i have to get worried about. 

No, these notices are typical. You could issue a "make check" in the 
PostGIS build directory to initially test the Build. Note that you must
have rights to create databases on the running postgresql server to do

Best regards,


Frank Koormann                             <frank.koormann at intevation.de>
 Professional Service around Free Software       (http://intevation.net/)
 FreeGIS Project                                 (http://freegis.org/)
 PostGIS Support (http://www.intevation.net/geospatial/postgis-support.en.html)

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