[postgis-users] Intersection errors out with null directed edge

Rob Tester robtester at gmail.com
Wed Nov 29 14:49:26 PST 2006

The intersection of these two polygons creates an error.

NOTICE:  AssertionFailedException: EdgeRing::computePoints: found null Directed Edge

ERROR:  GEOS Intersection() threw an error!

Poly 1: 
"MULTIPOLYGON(((-112.237615 33.491154,-112.237614 33.490469,-112.237752 33.490529,-112.23774 33.494274,-112.235109 33.494339,-112.235109 33.494222,-112.233468 33.494258,-112.233631 33.491873,-112.236704 33.491169,-112.237615 33.491154)),((-112.237137 33.506662,-112.237111 33.505964,-112.236836 33.505292,-112.235281 33.503124,-112.23644 33.502654,-112.237714 33.502702,-112.237695 33.50665,-112.237137 33.506662)),((-112.236804 33.501624,-112.236731 33.501185,-112.234285 33.501218,-112.234295 33.499851,-112.237725 33.499804,-112.237714 33.501536,-112.236804 33.501624)))"

Poly 2:

"POLYGON((-112.235266 33.502267,-112.234309 33.502505,-112.234451 33.501985,-112.234479 33.501868,-112.234509 33.501141,-112.236709 33.501141,-112.236909 33.501541,-112.235687 33.502032,-112.235266 33.502267))"

I have the following versions installed:

"POSTGIS="1.1.5" GEOS="2.2.3-CAPI-1.1.1" PROJ="Rel. 4.4.9, 29 Oct 2004" 

I believe this may be related to creating a self intersecting poly during the intersection. 

Any thoughts on how to get around this? (other than nudge the point because, I am sure to find others out of the millions of polys that I am working with, that would cause a similar problem)


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