[postgis-users] data base structure for holding climate data

Kirk R. Wythers kwythers at umn.edu
Tue Oct 3 06:13:59 PDT 2006

Hey Brent Thanks for the reply.

On Oct 2, 2006, at 2:22 PM, Brent Wood wrote:

> --- "Kirk R. Wythers" <kwythers at umn.edu> wrote:
>> I am curious as to the consensus approach to handling dates in
>> postgis? I have gathered up a fairly large collection of climate
>> data. The date fields however, came parsed in the form
>> (year,month,day). I want to set up a postgres database to hold this
>> data with a location structure along the lines of:
> Hi Kirk,
> Nice to see you're really moving with this stuff :-)
> We use Oracle, but comparable structures using the native time  
> datatype. We are
> also using Informix, which is uniquely suited to such data as it  
> not olnly has
> a spatial datablade (similar to PostGIS) but has a timeseries  
> datablade which
> does for timeseries data pretty much what PostGIS does for spatial  
> data.

These postgis questions are part of a larger idea to write one of my  
ecosystem simulation models into GRASS as a module. The first hurdle  
however, is to deal with time series formatted input files (namely  
climate data), and time series format output files.

> However, for PostGIS, I suggest you look at a timestamp for  
> identifying just
> when a record was captured. For queries & aggregating (eg: to  
> extract avg
> daily/weekly/monthly temps) it will be useful to de-normalise &  
> also store
> separately indexed componenets of the timestamp, such as date, week  
> of year,
> month of year etc...

I'm not sure I quite follow you here. I will want to do as you say  
above and query for avg daily,weekly,monthly temps, solar etc. How  
will de-normalising the data facilitate that? Climate data is already  
some what de-normalised in that solar radiation comes in separate  
files from temps and precipitation data.

> One other aspect will depend on your data. We have a PostGIS table  
> with some
> 200,000,000 instrument readings, using a clustered index on  
> timestamp, and
> comprising yearly partitions. The raw data stores the actual time  
> of data
> capture, but the various instruments are not syncronised, so it is  
> not possible
> to extract a snapshot of them all at a common time.
> We post process the data to generate a table (the 200,000,000  
> record one) which
> has a record for every 1 min interval, with each reading where the  
> reading is
> the latest one within that 1 minute interval.
> Some what impressively, a self-relation across this table with 25  
> readings,
> retrieving 3 months data at 10 min intervals only takes 25 seconds  
> on a desktop
> PC.

That is impressive!

> To facilitate extarction at different intervals, each record also  
> has an
> attribute of 1, 2, 5, 10, 30, 60, 120, 1440 (based on minutes) so  
> we can get
> two-hourly values by using "where time_flag=120")
> Hope this helps....
>    Brent
>> mn_climate=# \d sites
>>                  Table "public.sites"
>>       Column     |         Type          | Modifiers
>> ----------------+-----------------------+-----------
>> site_id        | integer               |
>> site_shortname | character varying(8)  |
>> site_name      | character varying(50) |
>> lat            | numeric               |
>> lon            | numeric               |
>> utm_e          | numeric               |
>> utm_n          | numeric               |
>> Indexes:
>>      "sites_site_id_key" UNIQUE, btree (site_id)
>> And tie this "site" table to a second "clim" table that holds the
>> actual meteorological data. However, I am inclined to concatenate the
>> year, month, day data into a single "date" data type of the form  
>> year-
>> month-day-hour-minute-second (yyyy-mm-dd-hh-mm-ss). Does this make
>> sense to you all? If anyone can re-direct me before I do something
>> dumb in way I set this up, I would appreciate it.
>> Thanks,
>> Kirk
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