[postgis-users] Using ogr2ogr

TECHER David davidtecher at yahoo.fr
Wed Oct 11 05:48:06 PDT 2006


I tried it with gdal 1.3.2

it works


TECHER David a écrit :

>I've tryed using ogr2ogr in order to import a shapefile
>it works!
>I would like to import it using the lco GEOMTRY_NAME option but without
>ogr2ogr -f PostgreSQL PG:'host=localhost dbname=ingeresin
>user=postgres'  -lco GEOMETRY_NAME=the_geom -lco OVERWRITE=yes
>but the geometry column is alwyas named wkob_geometry
>what's wrong?
>I use gdal 1.3.1
>thanks 4 reply


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