[postgis-users] A PostGIS-Raster data proposal

Guido Lemoine guido.lemoine at jrc.it
Wed Oct 25 00:22:36 PDT 2006

My little bit:

- I came across the JasPer package at 
  recently (JPEG-2000 codec in C) . I have only had a brief look at it. 
It is mentioned
  there that it is included in GDAL. The site states it is Open Source, 
but the license
  does not look familiar.

- I use JAI (Java Advanced Imaging), which can read and write JPEG2000. 
JAI contains
  all the operators for image subsampling, ROI extraction etc.

But for the moment, I am happy with storing metadata in Postgis and do 
the specific
processing externally (using JAI and JDBC) with image data on disk. 
Still, I like the
pgraster idea, as it is probably useful in the JAI/JDBC context as well.


Marshall, Steve wrote:

> > GDAL manages the Kakadu issue by simply providing an adapter and 
> leaving the
> > acquisition of the source up to the installer; why would this not work
> > equally well for postGIS ?
> PostGIS has a GPL license which basically says that the source code of 
> packages linked to it must also be covered by the GPL.  Kakadu has a 
> conflicting license, so you put the two packages together in the same 
> executable, you either have to honor the GPL and violate the Kakadu 
> license, or vice versa.   Neither option is legally valid.
> GDAL is distributed under the MIT license, which does not put any 
> requirements other packages that might be linked in the same 
> executable with GDAL.  Thus you can link optional closed-source 
> packages to GDAL.
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