[postgis-users] A PostGIS-Raster data proposal
Gregory S. Williamson
gsw at globexplorer.com
Tue Oct 31 19:11:40 PST 2006
I don't know if it could be applicable, but Informix allows users to define different chunk sizes for different dbspaces when storing blobs/sblobs. Let's the user control the performance vs. waste to some degree. But I have no clue if something similar could be implemented in postgres.
And as with "normal" data, there's a trade-off. Shapefiles can be faster than postGIS for some things, but the database gives me benefits that far outweigh the increase in size [maybe -- haven't checked] and decresed throughput. So as long as a rasterblob gives me something as a tradeoff, it becomes a potentially useful tool.
My $0.03 worth (inflation, ya know ...)
Greg Williamson
GlobeXplorer LLC
-----Original Message-----
From: postgis-users-bounces at postgis.refractions.net on behalf of Paul Ramsey
Sent: Tue 10/31/2006 12:49 PM
To: postgis-users at postgis.refractions.net
Subject: Re: [postgis-users] A PostGIS-Raster data proposal
Remember not to get too hung up on performance... after all, we knew going into
a database would degrade performance. Presumably there are other
characteristics of the database that we *like* that is worth taking a
performance hit.
Also consider the Oracle approach in your thinking, which is to shred everything
into < pagesize chunks. We used this approach in our only raster-in-db
implementation (using the CHIP type) which I can tell you from experience can be
a real PITA to manage.
Quoting Stephen Marshall <smarshall at wsi.com>:
> I've extended my testing of server-side access to include testing large
> objects (LO's) as well as TOAST.
> I found that LO's have similar performance characteristics to TOAST. On
> average, it takes tens of microseconds to access a 1000 bytes chunk of
> data from a much larger LO. For both TOAST and LO's, the access time
> varied around close to 40 microseconds per access, compared to around 4
> microseconds to do a similiar access from a local file using fseek and
> fread.
> The LO and flatfile tests differed from the TOAST tests in that LO's and
> flatfiles must be opened before access. Opening the LO and flatfiles
> were done once prior to all the reads, and were not included in timing
> tests. Open a file general takes around 100 microseconds and opening a
> LO takes several hundred microseconds, so the overhead is large relative
> to the time to read a small chunk of data. It will be important to
> avoid designs the require opening an LO or file more than once.
> Determining the size the data also has performance characteristics I
> have not yet tested thoroughly, but which may be important. My tests
> require knowing the total data size, which may not necessarily be needed
> for raster-in-DB (for example the data formats themselves may carry
> sufficient size information). However, finding the size of the TOAST or
> LO can be relatively expensive.
> I am looking into ways to find the size of the TOAST object, but my
> current method seems to require reading all the data into memory. Since
> this subverts the whole point of seeking within the TOASTed data, I'm
> not happy with this. I'm looking into how to just scape the length from
> the data from the bytea, which I believe should be stored in the first 4
> bytes of a bytea (variable length field). If anyone knows different or
> better ways to find the length of a bytea variable, please let me know.
> Finding the size of an LO seems to require seeking to the end of the LO
> and using lo_ftell to return the seek position. This takes more time
> than a single 1000 byte read (~ 65 microseconds). Anyone know a faster
> way to find the size of an LO?
> Finally, these tests (still) do not include the time it takes to
> transfer the data back to the database client, thus all the accesses are
> inherently acces to the local system only. I'll be expanding the tests
> to include remote access soon.
> Steve Marshall
> Marshall, Steve wrote:
> >Per Frank Warmerdam's suggestion, I've done a test of access performance
> >using internal postgresql toast functions vs. normal file seeking.
> >
> >The test involved seeking in a toasted bytea column containing
> >approximately 20 MB of binary data. The TOAST column was set to
> >EXTERNAL storage (i.e. in separate TOAST table, but not compressed).
> >The test involved seeking through the data sequentially in chunks of
> >1000 bytes, and measuring the time to retrieve each chunk. The code to
> >do this was encapsulated in a postgresql server-side function and
> >invoked through SQL. I restarted the PostgreSQL server before the test
> >to avoid having any cacing of data in shared memory, which could
> >artificially speed up the data access.
> >
> >As a comparison, I also wrote a program that would do the equivalent
> >data access from a file. The file contained the same data as the bytea
> >column, and the access was replaced with fseek and fread calls.
> >
> >The results of the test were that toast seeking was about 10 times more
> >expensive than seeking in a local file. Each local file access averaged
> >in microseconds, while toast-seeks averaged 10's of microseconds. The
> >worst case file seeking was in milliseconds, while worst case
> >toast-seeking was in 10's of milliseconds. The absolute values for
> >toast-seeks don't seem too bad to me, but it is a bit worrying that the
> >values are an order of magnitude worse than local file I/O.
> >
> >I did play around with some parameters in the DB test. Changing the
> >chunk size did not make a big difference, but it got a small boost by
> >setting it to the toast chunk size (1994 bytes). I did not vary the test
> >to do seeking around randomly instead of sequentially. This might give
> >a boost to the DB implementation due to caching; I'm not sure what this
> >would do to file I/O.
> >
> >I also have not explored the performance of repeated access to the same
> >data segments. Here PostgreSQL data caching might help DB access
> >relative to file I/O.
> >
> >There are still more things to do here, but I thought I'd share some
> >early results. I'm happy to provide the code and SQL definitions for
> >the test, if anyone else is interested in it.
> >
> >Steve Marshall
> >
> >
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