[postgis-users] Spatial indexes

James Rutter James.Rutter at surreyheath.gov.uk
Mon Sep 18 06:32:02 PDT 2006

I'm fairly new to Postgis so am finding my feet gradually.


I've created a view on a spatial table and added a line into the
geometry_columns table to reference the view. The problem I've got is
trying to pass on to the client (in my case Cadcorp GIS system)
information about a spatial index. I know that a view is essentially an
'on the fly' reconstruction of a query on a table but is there any way
to associate a spatial index with a view?


James Rutter

GIS Manager

Surrey Heath Borough Council

Surrey Heath House

Knoll Road


GU15 3HD

Tel: 01276 707200

Fax: 01276 707516


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