[postgis-users] PostGis Modules

Paul Ramsey pramsey at refractions.net
Thu Apr 26 12:47:29 PDT 2007

To the extent that we can, we bring functionality into the core. 
Classification is an interesting possibility, so is clustering. But it 
takes someone to put together a package generic enough for use by 
everyone and most people are just on the short fast train to whatever 
their near term goal happens to be.


Gustavo Ces wrote:
>     I´m just a newbie in PostGis, but it seems a powerful tool. But 
> there´s something amazing to me. When i read message from the list 
> people seems to work always from scratch ( except with pgrouting, for 
> instance), making their own functions or sql sentences.
>        Is there any url with created functions, datatypes, schemas, 
> etc.. "case-studio-oriented"? For instance, everybody classifies 
> something, why not to share functions ? ( a classify function, for 
> example, which creates ranges with different 
> method(jenks,cuantils,equal, etc...). What i´m talking is to share 
> oneself´s work with others, not only tecnical questions about PostGis 
> commands ( but these are neccesary too!). And do this in a 
> case-studio-oriented framework, geology, sociology, geomarketing,etc...


   Paul Ramsey
   Refractions Research
   pramsey at refractions.net
   Phone: 250-383-3022
   Cell: 250-885-0632

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